
Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Post-May update part 1

I got so involved in knitting that I forgot about blogging. So let me make up for it now. Here are two of my May projects.

The first one is a triangular shawl made from purple Angora RAM. I used 2 skeins and I knit it on number 4 needles. The pattern is from Drops Designs.

The two photos show the same shawl, but neither shows the real color. But if I had to decide, I'd say the one on the right is closer to reality. Only in reality it's a bit darker shade.

Next one is a white stole - a repetition of the blue bubbly. Knit form YarnArd Monaco Kid Mohair on 3.5 needles. Monaco remains difficult to photograph; I tried really hard, but I'm still not sure you'll be able to see the sparks.

Anyway, here it is:

And the sparkling should be seen here:

The tiny greenish dots are it:)
I guess you're gonna take my word for it - the stole is snow white with subtle greenish shimmer in the right light.

More projects coming up tomorrow.